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3 reviews
57.1 k downloads

An excellent Xbox emulator for Windows

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Andrés López icon
Reviewed by
Andrés López
Content Editor

Xemu is an Xbox emulator for Windows that lets you play some of the best Xbox-exclusive games of all time on your computer. Even better, it takes less than a minute to set up the emulator and start playing.

As with most emulators for modern consoles, you'll need to download BIOS files in order to play the games. The BIOS aren't included with the emulator, so you'll need to download them on your own by searching online or extracting them from your own console (which is recommended).

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Once you've loaded the Xbox BIOS, simply choose a game or load a ROM (which aren't included with the emulator, either) to start playing. Xemu is compatible with just about every game, although this comes at a cost. Only a few games work perfectly, but hundreds of them work well enough.

Xemu is an excellent Xbox emulator that lets you enjoy Xbox-exclusive games on your PC with ease. Even setting up your controllers is a breeze.

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Information about Xemu 0.7.132

License Free
Op. System Windows
Category Emulators
Language English
Author mborgerson
Downloads 57,148
Date Aug 21, 2024
Content Rating Not specified
Advertisement Not specified
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Older versions

zip 0.7.131 Aug 6, 2024
zip 0.7.130 Jul 22, 2024
zip 0.7.129 Jul 19, 2024
zip 0.7.128 Jul 15, 2024
zip 0.7.127 Jun 17, 2024
zip 0.7.123 Jun 14, 2024
Available for other platforms

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3 reviews


stecolo23 icon
7 months ago

There is no gta 5, take care of it.

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